

11:30AM - 5PM on Saturday, September 29th, 2018

University of Toronto Scarborough, Room 216 Humanities Wing [HW216]

UTSCode is coming up! We're all excited to share the details with you as it's just around the corner. Get ready for a fun day filled with coding challenges, snacks, and great prizes!
IMPORTANT NOTE - the contest location may not have the best access to chargers, so please bring your own fully charged laptops and a backup solution in case of emergencies! WiFi is provided, so no concerns on that end.

Here's the itinerary -
11:30AM: Welcome and Contest Details
12-5PM: Compete!
5-6PM: Dinner and networking with TD representatives

Be sure to submit your resume using the Dropbox link and don't miss out on employment opportunities from top sponsors like Dessa, TD, and Rubikloud!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have a team yet?

Get there early! If you can get to UTSCode early, we'll be organizing some team matching and get you set up with a few great new buddies. Just head up to the front and let us know you're looking for more members. Additionally, as mentioned above, you can choose to compete alone.

How do I register my team?

You must make ONE (1) account per team on the Utoronto Kattis site
Under the "Full Name" section include an appropriate name for your team, then register your team name on the Google Form. Please make sure to register your team before the start of the contest.

What programming languages am I allowed to use?

Please refer to Kattis Help for more info on the online judge's supported environments.

Can there be groups of less/more than 3?

As we are trying to make it similar to an ACM-ICPC style contest, there will be a maximum of three members per team. For this contest, we will allow you to have less members.

Can I participate remotely?

Yes you can, but you must be onsite to be considered for prizes, prizes will be distributed at the end of the contest.

How many laptops per team?

Each team (regardless of team members) is only allowed one laptop shared amongst all team members at a time. Backup laptops as emergency measures are allowed but only one active laptop is permitted.

What resources am I allowed to use?

At UTSCode, no additional electronic devices may be brought into the contest area. Online reference materials will be restricted to things like JavaDocs and C++ STL docs - language reference only. This means no StackOverflow! Printed reference material up to 25 pages is allowed.

What are the prizes going to be like?

We hope you're not coming just for the prizes! But we'll be featuring awesome prizes such as Samsung Gear Smartwatches, Mechanical Keyboards, Google Home Minis, and other great sponsor swag! The best first-year team also has a chance to come away with some amazing prizes!

Got more questions? Feel free to shoot us an email at admin@utscode.com!

Finding Your Way There - Humanities Wing HW216